369 research outputs found

    Towards multilingual domain module acquisition

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    Máster y Doctorado en Sistemas Informáticos Avanzados, Informatika Fakultatea - Facultad de InformáticaDOM-Sortze is a framework for Semi-Automatic development of Domain Modules, i.e., the pedagogical representation of the domain to be learnt. DOM-Sortze generates Domain Modules for Technology Supported Learning Systems using Natural Language Processing Techniques, Ontologies and Heuristic Reasoning. The framework has been already used over textbooks in Basque language. This work presents the extension that adds English support to the framework, which is achieved with the modification of ErauzOnt. This is the tool that enables the acquisition of learning resources, definitions, examples, exercises, etc. used in the learning process. Moreover, some tests have been made to evaluate the performance of the tool with this new language. Principles of Object-Oriented Programming textbook for Object-Oriented Programming university subject is used for evaluation purposes. The results of this tests show that DOM-Sortze is not tight to a particular domain neither language

    LiDom builder: Automatising the construction of multilingual domain modules

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    136 p.Laburpena Lan honetan LiDOM Builder tresnaren analisi, diseinu eta ebaluazioa aurkezten dira. Teknologian oinarritutako hezkuntzarako tresnen Domeinu Modulu Eleaniztunak testuliburu elektronikoetatik era automatikoan erauztea ahalbidetzen du LiDOM Builderek. Ezagutza eskuratzeko, Hizkuntzaren Prozesamendurako eta Ikaste Automatikorako teknikekin batera, hainbat baliabide eleaniztun erabiltzen ditu, besteak beste, Wikipedia eta WordNet.Domeinu Modulu Elebakarretik Domeinu Modulu Eleaniztunerako bidean, LiDOM Builder tresna DOM-Sortze ingurunearen (Larrañaga, 2012; Larrañaga et al., 2014) bilakaera dela esan genezake. Horretarako, LiDOM Builderek domeinua ikuspegi eleaniztun batetik adieraztea ahalbidetzen duen mekanismoa dakar. Domeinu Modulu Eleaniztunak bi maila ezberdinetako ezagutza jasotzen du: Ikaste Domeinuaren Ontologia (IDO), non hizkuntza ezberdinetan etiketatutako topikoak eta hauen arteko erlazio pedagogikoak jasotzen baitira, eta Ikaste Objektuak (IO), hau da, metadatuekin etiketatutako baliabide didaktikoen bilduma, hizkuntza horietan. LiDOM Builderek onartutako hizkuntza guztietan domeinuaren topikoak adierazteko aukera ematen du. Topiko bakoitza lotuta dago dagokion hizkuntzako bere etiketa baliokidearekin. Gainera, IOak deskribatzeko metadatu aberastuak erabiltzen ditu hizkuntza desberdinetan parekideak diren baliabide didaktikoak lotzeko.LiDOM Builderen, hasiera batean, domeinu-modulua hizkuntza jakin batean idatzitako dokumentu batetik erauziko da eta, baliabide eleaniztunak erabiliko dira, gerora, bai topikoak bai IOak beste hizkuntzetan ere lortzeko. Lan honetan, Ingelesez idatzitako liburuek osatuko dute informazio-iturri nagusia bai doitze-prozesuan bai ebaluazio-prozesuan. Zehazki, honako testuliburu hauek erabili dira: Principles of Object Oriented Programming (Wong and Nguyen, 2010), Introduction to Astronomy (Morison, 2008) eta Introduction to Molecular Biology (Raineri, 2010). Baliabide eleaniztunei dagokienez, Wikipedia, WordNet eta Wikipediatik erauzitako beste hainbat ezagutza-base erabili dira. Testuliburuetatik Domeinu Modulu Eleaniztunak eraikitzeko, LiDOM Builder hiru modulu nagusitan oinarritzen da: LiTeWi eta LiReWi moduluak IDO eleaniztuna eraikitzeaz arduratuko dira eta LiLoWi, aldiz, IO eleaniztunak eraikitzeaz. Jarraian, aipatutako modulu bakoitza xehetasun gehiagorekin azaltzen da.¿ LiTeWi (Conde et al., 2015) moduluak, edozein ikaste-domeinutako testuliburu batetik abiatuta, Hezkuntzarako Ontologia bati dagozkion hainbat termino eleaniztun identifikatuko ditu, hala nola TF-IDF, KP-Miner, CValue eta Shallow Parsing Grammar. Hori lortzeko, gainbegiratu gabeko datu-erauzketa teknikez eta Wikipediaz baliatzen da. Ontologiako topikoak erauzteak LiTeWi-n hiru urrats ditu: lehenik hautagai diren terminoen erauzketa; bigarrenik, lortutako terminoen konbinatzea eta fintzea azken termino zerrenda osatuz; eta azkenik, zerrendako terminoak beste hizkuntzetara mapatzea Wikipedia baliatuz.¿ LiReWi (Conde et al., onartzeko) moduluak Hezkuntzarako Ontologia erlazio pedagogikoez aberastuko du, beti ere testuliburua abiapuntu gisa erabilita. Lau motatako erlazio pedagogikoak erauziko ditu (isA, partOf, prerequisite eta pedagogicallyClose) hainbat teknika eta ezagutza-base konbinatuz. Ezagutza-baseen artean Wikipedia, WordNet, WikiTaxonomy, WibiTaxonomy eta WikiRelations daude. LiReWi-k ere hiru urrats emango ditu erlazioak lortzeko: hasteko, ontologiako topikoak erlazioak erauzteko erabiliko diren ezagutza-base desberdinekin mapatuko ditu; gero, hainbat erlazio-erauzle, bakoitza teknika desberdin batean oinarritzen dena, exekutatuko ditu konkurrenteki erlazio hautagaiak erauzteko; eta, bukatzeko, lortutako emaitza guztiak konbinatu eta iragaziko ditu erlazio pedagogikoen azken multzoa lortuz. Gainera, DOM-Sortzetik LiDOM Buildererako trantsizioan, tesi honetan hobetu egin dira dokumentuen indizeetatik erauzitako isA eta partOf erlazioak, Wikipedia baliabide gehigarri bezala erabilita (Conde et al., 2014).¿ LiLoWi moduluak IOak -batzuk eleaniztunak- erauziko ditu, abiapuntuko testuliburutik ez ezik Wikipedia edo WordNet bezalako ezagutza-baseetatik ere. IDO ontologiako topiko bakoitza Wikipedia eta WordNet-ekin mapatu ostean, LiLoWi-k baliabide didaktikoak erauziko ditu hainbat IO erauzlez baliatuz.IO erauzketa-prozesuan, DOM-Sortzetik LiDOM Buildereko bidean, eta Wikipedia eta WordNet erabili aurretik, ingelesa hizkuntza ere gehitu eta ebaluatu da (Conde et al., 2012).LiDOM Builderen ebaluaziori dagokionez, modulu bakoitza bere aldetik testatua eta ebaluatua izan da bai Gold-standard teknika bai aditu-ebaluazioa baliatuz. Gainera, Wikipedia eta WordNet ezagutza-baseen integrazioak IOen erauzketari ekarri dion hobekuntza ere ebaluatu da. Esan genezake kasu guztietan lortu diren emaitzak oso onak direla.Bukatzeko, eta laburpen gisa, lau dira LiDOM Builderek Domeinu Modulu Eleaniztunaren arloari egin dizkion ekarpen nagusiak:¿ Domeinu Modulu Eleaniztunak adierazteko mekanismo egokia.¿ LiTeWiren garapena. Testuliburuetatik Hezkuntzarako Ontologietarako terminologia eleaniztuna erauztea ahalbidetzen du modulu honek. Ingelesa eta Gaztelera hizkuntzentzako termino-erauzlea eskura dago https://github.com/Neuw84/LiTe URLan.¿ LiReWiren garapena. Testuliburuetatik Hezkuntzarako Ontologietarako erlazio pedagogikoak erauztea ahalbidetzen du modulu honek. Erabiltzen duen Wikipedia/WordNet mapatzailea eskura dago https://github.com/Neuw84/Wikipedia2WordNet URLan.¿ LiLoWiren garapena. Testuliburua eta Wikipedia eta WordNet ezagutza-baseak erabilita IO eleaniztunak erauztea ahalbidetzen du modulu honek

    Real-time predictive maintenance for wind turbines using Big Data frameworks

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    This work presents the evolution of a solution for predictive maintenance to a Big Data environment. The proposed adaptation aims for predicting failures on wind turbines using a data-driven solution deployed in the cloud and which is composed by three main modules. (i) A predictive model generator which generates predictive models for each monitored wind turbine by means of Random Forest algorithm. (ii) A monitoring agent that makes predictions every 10 minutes about failures in wind turbines during the next hour. Finally, (iii) a dashboard where given predictions can be visualized. To implement the solution Apache Spark, Apache Kafka, Apache Mesos and HDFS have been used. Therefore, we have improved the previous work in terms of data process speed, scalability and automation. In addition, we have provided fault-tolerant functionality with a centralized access point from where the status of all the wind turbines of a company localized all over the world can be monitored, reducing O&M costs

    Contribution to the characterization of emerging photovoltaics technologies in Lima-Peru

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    This Doctoral Thesis contributed to forming a new photovoltaic (PV) laboratory in Lima-Peru, by developing an outdoor characterization system for PV modules. This system enables performance studies of different PV technologies under outdoor conditions. The new laboratory is the first of its kind in Peru due to its appropriate instrumentation for various PV performance research. This system was installed in the outdoor-PV laboratory of the Physics section (12◦2′S, 77◦1′W) at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP) in collaboration with the IDEA research group of the University of Jaén (UJA) in Spain. Seven PV modules of different technologies, and instruments are currently installed to measure environmental conditions. This system measures the current-voltage (I-V) curve of each PV module at five-minute intervals and simultaneously measures module temperature and irradiance. Additionally, the solar spectrum and environmental conditions are measured. With these experimental data, it is possible to carry out characterization and performance studies of PV modules or systems. The system started working in March 2019 and continues to work automatically to date. Three types of PV technologies began to be characterized: Aluminum Back Surface Field (Al- BSF), Hetero-junction with Intrinsic Thin-Layer (HIT), and Amorphous/micro-crystalline silicon tandem (a-Si/μc-Si). Four additional technologies were installed in 2020: Interdigitated Back Contact (IBC), Passivated Emitter Rear Totally Diffused (PERT), Amorphous Silicon (a- Si), and Copper Indium Gallium Selenide (CIGS). The first part describes the characterization system composed of an I-V curve tracer, a multiplexing system, and environmental sensors. PV modules, measuring instruments, sensors, components for circuit boards, and connection diagrams are listed. The automated control section describes the architecture of the software developed in LabVIEW for measurement, visualization, and data storage. In the second part, an analysis of the data extracted from the I-V curves is made, mainly in the maximum power point. For this, a methodology was developed to calibrate the PV modules outdoors. Simple methods such as Osterwald and Constant Fill Factor (FFk) were used to model the maximum power of HIT, Al-BSF, and tandem a-Si/μc-Si, for a year (May 2019 – April 2020). Next, the energy conversion efficiency is analyzed using the Performance Ratio (PR) in the following PV technologies: HIT, Al-BSF, tandem a-Si/μc-Si, IBC, PERT, a-Si, and CIGS for another year (March 2020 – February 2022). In the third part, an experimental study of the solar spectrum was carried out during one year (March 2019 – February 2020). The spectrum was characterized by the Average Photon Energy (APE). It was found that the yearly APE for the study period was 1.923 eV, indicating that the spectrum in Lima has a blue shift with respect to the AM1.5G standard spectrum. Additionally, the variation of the monthly APE during the year is negligible. Then, a theoretical evaluation of the Mismatch Factor (MM) and spectral gain was made for the spectral response (SR) of seven PV technologies: a-Si, Perovskite, CdTe, two CIGS with different SRs, multi-Si, and mono-Si. In the part of conclusions and future works, the objectives achieved and the current state of the research laboratory with the new systems and instruments installed are summarized. Finally, in the appendixes there is more detailed additional information on the circuits, algorithms, and mathematical arrangements that were necessary for the development of the thesis.Esta Tesis Doctoral contribuyó a desarrollar un nuevo laboratorio fotovoltaico (FV) en la ciudad de Lima-Perú, mediante la implementación de un sistema de caracterización para módulos FV. Este sistema permite realizar estudios de rendimiento de diferentes tecnologías FV en condiciones exteriores. Este nuevo laboratorio es el primero de su tipo en Perú debido a su instrumentación especializada para diversas investigaciones de rendimiento FV. Este sistema fue instalado en el laboratorio de FV en los exteriores de la sección de Física (12◦2′S, 77◦1′O) de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP), en colaboración con el grupo de investigación IDEA de la Universidad de Jaén (UJA) de España. Actualmente se encuentran instalados siete módulos FV de diferentes tecnologías e instrumentos para medir las condiciones ambientales. Este sistema mide la curva de corriente-voltaje (I-V) de cada módulo FV a intervalos de cinco minutos y mide simultáneamente la temperatura del módulo FV, la irradiancia, el espectro solar y las condiciones ambientales. Con estos datos experimentales, es posible realizar estudios de caracterización y rendimiento de módulos o sistemas FV. El sistema comenzó a funcionar en marzo de 2019 y continúa funcionando automatizadamente hasta la fecha. Se empezaron a caracterizar tres tipos de tecnologías FV: campo de superficie posterior de aluminio (del inglés Al-BSF, Aluminum Back Surface Field), heterounión con capa delgada intrínseca (del inglés HIT, Heterojunction with Intrinsic Thin-Layer) y tándem de silicio amorfo/microcristalino (del inglés a-Si/μc-Si, Amorphous/microcrystalline silicon tandem). En el 2020 se instalaron cuatro tecnologías adicionales: contacto posterior interdigitado (del inglés IBC, Interdigitated Back Contact), emisor pasivo totalmente difuso posterior (del inglés PERT, Passivated Emitter Rear Totally Diffused), silicio amorfo (del inglés a-Si, Amoriv phous Silicon), y seleniuro de cobre, indio, galio (del inglés CIGS, Copper Indium Gallium Selenide). En el segundo capítulo se describe el sistema de caracterización compuesto por un trazador de curvas corriente-voltaje (I-V), un sistema de multiplexado y los intrumentos/sensores ambientales. Se enumeran los módulos FV, instrumentos de medición, sensores, componentes para placas de circuitos y diagramas de conexión. En la subcapítulo acerca del control automatizado, se describe la arquitectura del software desarrollado en LabVIEW para la medición, visualización y almacenamiento de datos. En el tercer capítulo se realiza un análisis de los datos extraídos de las curvas I-V, principalmente en el punto de máxima potencia. Para ello, se desarrolló una metodología de calibración de módulos FV en exteriores. Se utilizaron métodos simples, como Osterwald y factor de llenado constante (del inglés FFk, fill factor constant), para modelar la potencia máxima del HIT, Al-BSF y tándem a-Si/μc-Si, durante tres meses (mayo 2019 - abril 2020). A continuación, se analiza la eficiencia de conversión de energía utilizando el coeficiente de rendimiento (del inglés PR, performance ratio) en las siguientes tecnologías FV: HIT, Al-BSF, tándem a-Si/μc-Si, IBC, PERT, a-Si y CIGS por dos años (marzo 2020 – febrero 2022). En el cuarto capítulo se realiza un estudio experimental del espectro solar durante un año (marzo 2019 – febrero 2020). El espectro se caracterizó por la energía fotónica promedio (del inglés APE, average photon energy). Se encontró que el APE anual para el periodo de estudio fue de 1.923 eV, lo que indicó que el espectro en Lima tiene un corrimiento hacia el azul con respecto al espectro estándar AM1.5G. Adicionalmente, la variación del APE mensual durante el año es despreciable. Luego, se realizó una evaluación teórica del factor de desajuste espectral (del inglés MM, espectral mismatch factor) y la ganancia espectral para la respuesta espectral (del inglés SR, spectral response) de siete tecnologías fotovoltaicas: a-Si, Perovskita, CdTe (del inglés, cadmium telluride), dos CIGS con diferentes SR, multi-Si (del inglés, multicrystalline silicon) y mono-Si (del inglés, monocrystalline silicon). En las conclusiones y trabajos futuros, se resumen los objetivos conseguidos y el estado actual del laboratorio de investigación con los nuevos sistemas e instrumentos instalados. Finalmente, en los anexos se encuentra información adicional y mas detallada de los circuitos, algoritmos, y arreglos matemáticos que fueron necesarios para el desarrollo de la tesis

    Brand and the Ribeiro Denomination of Origin: a first insight to its economic value

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    Brand valuation has taken great relevance within the companies. The reason is that it is constituted like an attribute more of the company. There is one characteristic that emphasizes over the rest: the difficulty to apply to objective criteria for its economic valuation. Although, it is a fact that consumers appreciate the brand of the products that they acquire. In the wine sector that is more evident. The objective of this work is to establish a methodology for the valuation of the capacity of Brand income generation. We apply that methodology to the two biggest Brands belonging to the Denomination of Origin Ribeiro: Viña Costeira and Viña Reboreda. We estimate therefore the value that each of them create for the propietary warehouses of its rights.valoración de marcas; sector vitivinícola; Denominanción de Origen Ribeiro

    Active Control Stabilization of High Power Rocket

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    High power rockets could become dynamically unstable due to outside disturbances after takeoff. The instability is augmented when the rocket is slow off the launch rail, which happens when the thrust-to-weight ratio is less than 5:1. Due to these reasons, the objective of this project was to design and build an active control system that will make sure the rocket follows a straight path all the way to apogee. This will be done through a model-based design approach, in which a 6DOF mathematical model of the flight dynamics will be created

    Implementation and design of a service-based framework to integrate personal and institutional learning environments

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    The landscape of teaching and learning has changed in recent years because of the application of Information and Communications technology. Among the most representative innovations in this regard are Learning Management Systems. Despite of their popularity in institutional contexts and the wide set of tools and services that they provide to learners and teachers, they present several issues. Learning Management Systems are linked to an institution and a period of time, and are not adapted to learners' needs. In order to address these problems Personal Learning Environments are defined, but it is clear that these will not replace Learning Management Systems and other institutional contexts. Both types of environment should therefore coexist and interact. This paper presents a service-based framework to facilitate such interoperability. It supports the export of functionalities from the institutional to the personal environment and also the integration within the institution of learning outcomes from personal activities. In order to achieve this in a flexible, extensible and open way, web services and interoperability specifications are used. In addition some interoperability scenarios are posed. The framework has been tested in real learning contexts and the results show that interoperability is possible, and that it benefits learners, teachers and institutions.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Multi-head CNN–RNN for multi-time series anomaly detection: An industrial case study

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    Detecting anomalies in time series data is becoming mainstream in a wide variety of industrial applications in which sensors monitor expensive machinery. The complexity of this task increases when multiple heterogeneous sensors provide information of di_erent nature, scales and frequencies from the same machine. Traditionally, machine learning techniques require a separate data preprocessing before training, which tends to be very time-consuming and often requires domain knowledge. Recent deep learning approaches have shown to perform well on raw time series data, eliminating the need for pre-processing. In this work, we propose a deep learning based approach for supervised multitime series anomaly detection that combines a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) in different ways. Unlike other approaches, we use independent CNNs, so-called convolutional heads, to deal with anomaly detection in multi-sensor systems. We address each sensor individually avoiding the need for data pre-processing and allowing for a more tailored architecture for each type of sensor. We refer to this architecture as Multi-head CNN-RNN. The proposed architecture is assessed against a real industrial case study, provided by an industrial partner, where a service elevator is monitored. Within this case study, three type of anomalies are considered: point, context-specific, and collective. The experimental results show that the proposed architecture is suitable for multi-time series anomaly detection as it obtained promising results on the real industrial scenario
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